For sale imported gelding of the Hanoverian breed.


For sale imported gelding of the Hanoverian breed. 9 years 180 in. Was not in sports. Well traveled. Knows concessions, shoulder, traverse, single changes. Well reduced and adds. Jumped a little. Bundles 100-120. Shprint 145.

Flexible. The last year rolls a rookie. Forests are fields. Nothing is afraid. Blind, including. It walks well both in the levada and on the grazing. He doesn’t break his legs or neck. By nature, a huge child. A little naive. Sometimes lazy. Don’t bite, don’t hit. It does not break out of the hands, it is well brought up. Doesn’t do anything under the top. All manipulations without problems. He rides in a horse carrier, but you need to take into account its dimensions.
Sold with all ammunition and all things. There are no health complaints. Reason for selling: owner moved to another country.

Sold with all the ammunition: an expensive German saddle, bridle, 2 saddle pads, 2 blankets winter and rain, veredus boots and workers, a deal for working on a lunge and other trifles in the care. Whole box.
Saddle assembly

Price on request

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